Achieve greater efficiency by using a STRIEBIG in the Door and Cabinet Manufacturing industry.
With unparalleled cutting accuracy and ease of use, loading, cutting (including bevels) and flipping can all be done by one operator using STRIEBIG’s trademark support rollers.

Entry & Interior Doors

- Relief bevel cuts can be made along the long edges quickly and easily
- Flip the door top for bottom using the rollers easily with one person to trim the other long edge!
- Trim in both directions without turning the door
- Easy material handling with the support rollers - move the door back and forth with one hand!
Cabinet Doors & Drawers

- Center shelf for comfortable handling of smaller workpieces
- Produce pieces fast by stack cutting similar similar workpieces
- Accuracy and cut quality makes it great for door center panels or finish trimming to size
- Stable small piece support great for cutting drawer bottoms and sides
Cut Capacities
All STRIEBIG saws can cut doors up to 2-3/8" thick, including the Compact Series. For thicker doors up to 3-1/8", choose a Standard, Standard S, Evolution, Control or 4D. Some models can be made to cut up to 4" thick.
STRIEBIG saws (including the Compact Series) are available in 17'+ cut lengths for longer door panels, like garage doors. Most STRIEBIG models can be made up to 30' in length!
Striebig Advantages
Perfectly square doors - 36” door square to within .004”!
Simple, safe operation - Short learning curve for employees, and the saw blade is always covered
Space saving - Striebigs take up much less floorspace than other types of saws
Accurate - Cuts perfectly square to within .004”!
Versatile - Smooth, high-quality cuts in a wide range of building materials, including OSB, CDS, melamine, composite trim, insulated foam board, etc.
Ease of use - Easy to handle large sheets safely and fatigue-free
"We've had our Striebig almost 35 years, durable and accurate after all these years. We love it."
Byron Kuhl - Carmichael Doors, Rancho Cordova, CA