Mail Room Cubbies with P-System
Step by step guide to building cubbies using Zeta P2 + CNC
How it works:

Drill 8mm holes for male halves into uprights with CNC router (or handheld jig)

Pre-assemble cabinet units

Machine the running slots on shelf edges with wing cutter on router/shaper table. Use stop blocks on fence to keep slots blind within shelf edges.

Set Zeta P2 or Zeta P2 Cordless to “18” depth setting for Divario P-18 slots

Use Zeta P2 to machine the P-System slots for the female halves

Install female halves into shelf edges with Divario install tool

Install male halves into cabinet uprights

Install shelves into cabinets

Sliding, locking, clamping connections for shelves and uprights!