9, 14, or 16HP PLC Controlled Knife Grinder

Great for printing knives and doctor blade sharpening.

Features: Optional 16HP Grinding Motor, Toothed belt drive system ensures smooth travel, Carriage travels on lubricated Turcite pads gliding on protected replaceable wear strips ensuring minimal vibration, Variable carriage speed (1 to 30 m/min), Permanent On/Off Magnetic Chuck with 20mm Pole Pitch, Automatic electronic wheel downfeed for per pass and total downfeed.

Product Details


Our first model with PAD Glide travel system and Cold Mag Chuck Technology. Great for higher volumes of Printing, Granulator, Zamboni, OSB, and Chipper Knives.

  • Siemens PLC controlled with USB port for programming and memory complete grinding cycle
  • 9 HP Grinding Motor (16 HP option)
  • Rack belt drive system ensures smooth travel
  • Carriage travels on lubricated Turcite pads gliding on protected replaceable wear strips ensuring minimal vibration
  • Variable carriage speed (1 to 30 m/min)
  • Permanent On/Off Magnetic Chuck with 20mm Pole Pitch
  • Rapid Wheel downfeed during setup
  • External bafold coolant system with 3 lines (one running through the center of the grinding spindle)


Model KS comes in lengths from 60” to 244”

Special version available for

  • Doctor blade grinding machine in lengths up to 244”
  • Twin Chucks up to 162”
  • With Auxiliary or Superfinish heads
  • Surface and Creep feed grinding

Features & Benefits

Parts, service, and support for your grinding machine.

We’re here to help in whatever way works best for you: on-site, over the phone, or remotely through Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, or FaceTime.

Colonial Saw's support team is available 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. EST.